Our Proposal Story + The Time I Lost My Ring

I realized the other day that I haven’t shared any of mine and Sean’s story on the blog! I'm going to be sharing how we met in an "Ask Me Anything Q&A" post that I'm publishing later this week, but today is reserved for the day that we got engaged, and it just so happens to be National Proposal Day! 😉 Make sure you read this story until the very end because I’ve partnered with Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group to share a crazy story, and some seriously good advice for any brides or brides-to-be so you don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made!
The day Sean and I got engaged started off just like any other day. No, really. 😂 We had just gotten off work, went to the grocery, and I was putting things away in the fridge when I turned around to find my very best friend in this world down on one knee! The words that came from his mouth after I turned around are too special to share with anyone else, but let’s just say that I was standing in a puddle of my own tears.
Now, here’s where things get really good. 😂 For those of you who know anything about my husband, you know that he’s the king of puns, he tells the best "dad jokes", and is just kind of goofy when he wants to be. Well, in true Sean fashion, he found the moment that he proposed to me to be one of those goofy moments, and when he dropped down on one knee, there wasn’t a ring in his hand. Which, if we’re being totally honest, I didn’t even notice because I was staring straight into his eyes in total disbelief that he was proposing!
You’re not even going to believe what happened next, y’all … This sweet man of mine had me search for my ring scavenger hunt style (without any clues 😂), and hid it somewhere in our three story townhome! Eventually I asked him to at least tell me which floor it was on, and then made him narrow that to the room, and even after that I gave up and just asked him to please just get it out of whatever hiding place he picked out because I was clearly never going to find it on my own. 😂
He had it hidden in the closet in his man cave, in a travel guitar case, that was underneath two other guitar cases. I have no idea how he expected me to look there of all places, but that’s the spot he chose. 🙈 After he pulled the ring out, he went back down on one knee and asked me to marry him all over again just as he had 15 minutes before, and just like that, we were engaged!
We had been dating for four years, living together for three, and the third apartment that we called home will always be my favorite. It’s the place where Sean asked me to be his partner forever, the place we lived when we became husband and wife, and where I got to tell him that he was going to be daddy to our beautiful baby girl.
Now that I’m sitting here crying all the happy tears while reminiscing on everything I mentioned in that last paragraph, I have one more story to tell you about my ring before I wrap up! Fast forward to two years later … We were on my family’s annual houseboat trip, and for some reason I thought I needed to bring my wedding ring with me. My reasoning was totally sound. I HAD to have my ring on a houseboat, in the middle of the lake, with no one around but my family, because I was going to be taking photos for my blog and Instagram, right? 😅 Let’s just say that I quickly regretted this decision.
I wore it for my photos, and I remembered distinctly putting it in one of my baseball caps in the living room. Well, one of my little sisters was wearing that same baseball cap later that night, and that’s when the freak out moment started … We were leaving the next morning, and I was convinced that my ring was in that hat, and that my sister must have dropped my ring when she put it on.
After searching all night, going to bed freaking out thinking my ring was at the bottom of the lake somewhere, waking up early the next morning to search with a flashlight and broom in every corner, under every chair, and in every air vent, I was sure that it was gone forever. My step-dad talked to the manager of the marina where we rented the houseboat, and offered a reward for anyone who found my ring, and that was that. We loaded everything up in the cars, and we started the drive back home with tears in my eyes and a pit in my stomach thinking that I had lost the only material item I've ever owned that held any meaning.
We made it back to Louisville, and I started to unpack our bags. I was searching through every tiny piece of clothing, digging in every single pocket, and I FOUND IT. In the memory card pocket of my camera bag, I found my wedding ring. And I freaked out. And literally had a facepalm moment. And then freaked out some more, called my family to tell them to call of the search, and then I made the vow (pun totally intended) that I was never going to let something like that happen again.
If there’s anything you take away from this post, please let it be that insuring your engagement and wedding rings is an absolute MUST! Not that having insurance wouldn't have made my heartache any less had I actually lost it forever, but it definitely would have given me a little peace of mind that the investment Sean made was protected even if my ring was sitting at the bottom of the lake. If you want to save yourself from the same panic I went through, click here to get the jewelry 101 breakdown, here to get a totally free jewelry insurance quote, and for any guys that are reading this post, click here to learn what your bride-to-be wants in an engagement ring. 😘
Do you have a crazy story about a time when you thought you lost something super special to you? Or a sweet story about when you got engaged? Let me know down in the comments! I hope this story gave you all the feels, and maybe taught you a thing or two … you know, like to not taking your wedding ring on a vacation where you’re going to be surrounded by very deep water 100% of the time. 😂 Happy National Proposal Day, friends! 💗
A huge thank you to Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group for sponsoring this post! As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!