Mini Heart Strawberry Pies
I have a confession to make ... Until yesterday, I had never made a pie. Now, I don't know if these little things count as a pie, but they have pie in the name so, I'm just going to go with it. Not to mention I made the crust totally from scratch! Little miss susie homemaker over here getting things done. ;)
So, onto the heart of this post! See what I did there? :) If I do say so myself, these strawberry pies are pretty much the only thing you should be baking on any Valentine's Day, anniversary or special occasion where heart shapes are appropriate. I mean, let's be real here, when are hearts not appropriate?
As far as crowd pleasing deserts go, I would say these are a hit. I sent some of these home with my mom yesterday, dropped a few off at my in-laws, and just like the Hot Chocolate Cookies I posted a few weeks ago, my somewhat picky eater of a husband was even a fan! So, if you're looking for the perfect thing to satisfy your sweet tooth, or need a desert to impress the masses, these little pies will definitely do the job! Keep on scrolling to get all of the details on how you can make these pies for yourself!

Makes 12 pies | Prep time: 45 mins | Bake Time: 12-14 mins