Freebies // Valentine's Day Notecard Printables

Free Valentine's Day Printables from

1.  ABC Love   2.  XOXO  3.  You Are So Loved  4.  All You Need Is Love
(Click the link to each printable to print!) 

For someone who claims to not be into Valentine's Day, I sure do talk about it a lot, don't I?  Well, I figure just because I don't find joy in it doesn't mean that other people shouldn't have pretty paper goods to share with the ones that they love.  Especially when they're free, right?  All of these printables are formatted as 5x7, and I recommend any type of thick card stock for printing on.  You can use these printables as notecards, a last minute Valentine's Day gift or even as decor around your home.  Enjoy!  :)

**  Post originally written and designed for Eighteen25 by Chelcey Tate.  **

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